Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Froggy Caboggy

Brooklynn received her first pets this past weekend as her aunt Sara, who teaches fourth grade science, had some extra African water frogs that needed a home. She brought them over to our house and Brooklynn was immediately obsessed with them. All she wanted to do was watch the frogs. In fact, the very next morning Brooklynn woke up and the first word out of her mouth was "caboggy" (she can now say frog, but how cute is that). We ran out to Petsmart and got her new pets a home and she just loves watching and talking about her frogs.


Carrie Nixon said...

Wow, Brooklynn, your very own pets! How exciting! Have you named them yet? Tell them hello for me!


Anonymous said...

WOW! FROGS! At least they don't shed. Brooklynn enjoy and I'll look forward to meeting your frogs when I come down to see you. Mimi